Ash Meadows

Originally inhabited by the Shoshone Indians, this area is now principally known for the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge – a great place to journey out and see many unique species.

The wetlands in this area are fed by natural springs whose water bubbles up via many underground faults. The result is an environment like no other. In fact, Ash Meadows has the highest number of indigenous species for its area than any other region in the nation. Here you’ll find 24 plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. Look closely and you might even see fish, insects and plants that are currently on the endangered species list.

What to see

Numerous recreational opportunities are available at Ash Meadows. Wildlife observation, picnicking, and hunting are all popular activities enjoyed by refuge visitors. Swimming is only allowed in Crystal Reservoir, however, but please contact the Refuge Manager for additional information regarding these activities. Bird watching is also a popular activity, with a bird list available at the headquarters or online. An active volunteer program provides additional opportunities to enjoy the refuge.

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